In the Battle.
War and Peace
Pool and Garden.
Revenge. ( Мстить).
Reunion N2.
‘Reunion’ N1.  ( Воссоединение ).
‘Discrepancy’.  ( Расхождение ).
‘‘Survivor”.  (Blue and Pink)  N 1.
Shark Tank.
‘The Garden of Earthly Delights’.
Distance N2
In the Battle.

83’’x 104’’. Mix Media, Charcoal, Paint Stick, Enamel, Oil painting on Heavy Duty Canvas, Not Stretched.

October 2016.

War and Peace

63”x 83. Mix Media, Oil Stick, Enamel, Oil painting on Heavy duty Canvas. 07.08.2017.

Pool and Garden.

16’’x20’’. Mix Media, Spray, Enamel, Oil Painting on Canvas. 2018.


36”x48”x1,5”. Mixed media. Crayon, Marker, Spray, Enamel, Charcoal, Oil painting on canvas.

December 2018.

Revenge. ( Мстить).

36’’x 48’’x 1,5’’. Mixed media. Crayons, Marker, Oil Stick, Charcoal, Spray, Oil painting on canvas. December 2018.

Reunion N2.

36”x48”x1,5”. Mix Media, Charcoal, Enamel Oil painting on canvas. 02/06/2019.

‘Reunion’ N1. ( Воссоединение ).

24’’x36”x1,5”. Mixmed., Charcoal, Enamel, Oil painting.


About people and politics…process of being brought together again.

‘Discrepancy’. ( Расхождение ).

24’’x 36’’x 1,5’’. Mix media, Charcoal, Oil, Enamel on Canvas.


how different human can be, how much disagreement,dissimilarity, opposition, conflict …and ends with peace.

‘‘Survivor”. (Blue and Pink) N 1.

24”x36”x1,5”. Mix Media, Charcoal, Enamel, Oil painting on canvas. 02/06/2019.

Shark Tank.

24’’x 36’’x 1,5’’. Mix Media, Charcoal, Enamel, Oil painting on Canvas.


‘The Garden of Earthly Delights’.

16”x 20”x 1,5”. Mix Med., Charcoal, Spray, Oil, Enamel paint. on Canvas.


Distance N2

51”x41”x1,5”. Mixmedia Oil Painting, Charcoal on Canvas.


This painting about Distance between USA and my country Georgia Rep. 9000 km away. Thea how much i safer and try to change my life.

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